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Country Pub & Inn with Rooms
Old Road, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7DS
What's Occurring
Get a look at our upcoming events, a quick look at our plans for 2025.

St Patrick's Day
Mon 17th - Sat 22nd March
Chef's Steak & Guinness pie with traditional Colannon mash & 4-day-aged bone marrow stock gravy.
Great Irish Music, plus a free Baby Guinness with every alcoholic drink ordered - excludes soft drinks.

Mother's Day
Sunday 30th March
Wonderful home cooked roasts with a special treats for all Mum's. Booking essential. We're hosting three sittings, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm.

Easter Weekend
Sat 19th - Sun 20th April
The Big Easter Egg Hunt - How many can you find? Great games and treats for families to enjoy
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